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The Olympics create world wars.

Mankind's lust to be loved drives his desires to destroy himself and others to win the love of others. There is no greater event in humanity which produces more false ideology and deception of peace and harmony other than the Olympic Games. The games historically and currently serve as one purpose and that is to prove one nation is greater than another, or one man is greater than another. Corruption, political propaganda, and a grand spectacle all using the same design of the most evil man in history Adolf Hitler. No doubt the 2024 Olympics are not only a deception of peace, but will usher in all future wars, death, destruction, as well as to contribute to the decline of the world's mental health. All Olympic athletes and professional athletes who proclaim winning matters while screaming I love you will most certainly burn in Hell for all eternity. Olympians are not heroic, and winning Olympic medals have no value. The Olympics are satanic and spread evil. May God protect those who have the courage to resist winning matters and I love you 666 mental brainwashing. True love is ourselves and winning doesn't matter is positive energy domination and marks the absolute powers of God to overcome this satanic illusion called The Olympic Games. Read our book to learn more and experience this knowledge we learned firsthand through professional road cycling. World peace begins with our knowledge, not those claiming to be the greatest of all time. In one thousand years nobody will remember these "goat" athletes but future generations will be applying #TLO. Humanity will survive and grow smarter than the world we live in today fueled by technology, the internet, false idols, and the false illusions of the Olympics. Wait...the Olympics also create suicide, depression, drug addiction, doping in sports, racism, greed, ego, and all negative human chaos. Winning doesn't matter when you truly love yourself. Now watch the games and select who hates themselves the most. It will be the guy screaming winning is all that matters followed by I love you. The goats, the crying, the anger, everything pathetic about humans will be made out to be cool in the Olympics. Do you have what it takes to see the truth, or are you part of Hitler's games as you hail 666 forever? No matter how many Olympic medals you win, if you hate yourself you will never dominate life. If you think winning matters you hate yourself period. It is a fact. Self-hate is the weakest form of life energy and eventually it will self-destruct and no doubt the winning matters I love you lovers will be the final ones to push the nuclear attack buttons. Thank the 666 Olympics and thank Adolf Hitler as his 3rd Reich completed their mission by creating the modern day Olympics. Satan will be watching over the games, certainly not God so save the bullshit on the field. God doesn't care if you win or lose, only Satan cares.